A lot of people who start using their very first hosting account, or switch companies, often have questions in regard to how certain procedures are performed or experience difficulties when setting up various things such as e-mails, website settings, and so on. This is why, a lot of hosting companies have prepared documentation with the most frequently asked questions and problems in order to help their clients receive information swiftly and seamlessly. Consequently, the support team can devote more time to actual issues that given customers may be facing, since the solution for the minor things will already be available on the World Wide Web and customers can fix them without contacting the customer care team. Having exhaustive documentation is critical, particularly for new users with no past experience at all, as the hosting service entails heaps of features and many individuals can become perplexed about what action to take. A good information repository can both help you complete the tasks that you wish and become aware of how the web hosting service functions as a whole.

Extensive Online Documentation in Hosting

If you buy a hosting plan from us, you’ll get access to our thorough online documentation where you will see info on de facto everything related to our web hosting services. The topics encompass anything from how to create an email address on your smart phone, to how to accomplish different things using an .htaccess configuration file. The articles themselves are written in an easy-to-understand manner and feature in-depth guides on how to carry out a particular task inside your Hepsia Control Panel. You can also find information that is not connected directly to Hepsia, for instance one that concerns Internet apps on your computer. The complete archive of articles will be located in the Control Panel’s Help section, but those that are related to a given Control Panel section can be accessed on the spot. Given the fact that we have encompassed as many topics as possible, you will be able to become aware of practically everything connected with your hosting account.