Find what a database engine is, what are the benefits of the InnoDB engine and why it is gaining a huge amount of global popularity.
InnoDB is a very popular storage engine for the MySQL RDBMS. It’s an alternative to the default engine – MyISAM, and it has numerous pluses which have made it the engine of choice for numerous script-based software apps, such as Joomla™ and Magento, which have shifted over to InnoDB permanently. For example, adding huge amounts of data will be much faster with InnoDB, because it locks only a single database row to complete a given task, not the entire database table, which makes the engine excellent for scalable apps. It also supports foreign keys and database transactions – these refer to the way in which the info is tackled. To put it simply, appending new or editing existent data will either be thoroughly completed, or will be annulled and the procedure will be rolled back if a given problem shows up in the meantime, hence the content that remains in the database will not be lost.
InnoDB in Hosting
InnoDB is available with all our hosting plans by default, not upon request or as a paid upgrade, so you can install and run any PHP-based web app that requires the database storage engine without having any problem as soon as you order your shared web hosting account. InnoDB will be selected automatically as the default engine for a particular database during the app installation process, regardless of whether you make use of our 1-click installer or create the database and install the app manually, as long as the app requires it instead of the more popular MyISAM engine. We’ll generate daily backups of all your databases, so you can be certain that you will never lose any data in case you delete a database unintentionally or you overwrite some crucial information – you will simply have to touch base with us and we will restore the database the way it was.