A web accelerator is a server-side application that quickens an Internet site. Such a piece of software may work in different ways depending upon the site content, but in the general case all such applications cache content and deliver it instead of the hosting server. This is valid for both dynamic and static websites because the cached content can be simple text or database responses and the benefit of employing a web accelerator isn't simply the faster loading site, but also the lessened overall load on the web server. That way, you can use a lower-end hosting plan that will also cost less while your site visitors will be able to still enjoy high browsing speeds. Handful of companies provide web accelerators with their hosting plans and they often offer just one, while we offer 3 different ones that will allow you to boost the performance of any kind of site considerably.

Web Accelerators in Hosting

In case you host your Internet sites in a hosting account from us, you will have three popular web accelerators to select from if you would like to enhance the sites' functionality. Memcached is used for database-driven Internet sites and it caches the calls and requests between a site and its database, so it could reduce the load of such sites significantly. Varnish caches whole pages the first time a website visitor opens them and provides them from there on if the same visitor opens them again. It does that much more quickly than the server, so it can increase the loading speed of any Internet site approximately 300%. Node.js is an object-oriented platform for real-time apps which functions on the hosting server and not inside the visitor's web browser. It's employed for accommodation booking, chats and other programs where loads of data should be processed in real time. The availability of those accelerators depends on the hosting solution that you choose - they might come by default or as an upgrade. In both cases, you shall be able to include more instances or more memory for every one of them.